Next-Level Nostalgia – The Max Retropub has Broad Appeal

Static-ridden images of ‘80s aerobics videos and Showbiz Pizza commercials emanate from at least a dozen bulky ‘90s era television sets, while Blondie’s “Call Me” plays in the background and competes with the beeps and boops of arcade games. My attention frenetically darts around like a pinball between a large Falcor replica in the ceiling, to the coin-operated Zoltar fortune teller, and then to the vibrant drink menu in front of me. I finish a Gizmo cocktail, pick up my stack of tokens, and by a narrow margin choose to play the Dr. Who pinball machine over skee-ball.

After seven years of operation, The Max has transformed from its awkward pubescent stage into the role of social connector. Nostalgic elements provide easy conversation starters for people of all types. No one knows this better than the bar manager, Majda Al-Amoudi, who has been there since day one.

“I love seeing people’s faces light up when they see something they remember from their childhood,” Al-Amoudi said. “We’ve definitely found our spot.”

However, The Max isn’t just a place for the uber-geek.

“You get the guy in an Affliction t-shirt, a storm trooper, and the 21-year old girl that’s getting married—all at once,” Al-Amoudi said.

The drinks contribute as much to the bar’s personality as the decor.

“I want to do something that’s comfortable for people who go to bars,” Al-Amoudi said.

Drinks like the Magnum P.I., The Jem, and Chuck Norris often lead people to order based on name alone, which leads to a few surprises. The Chuck Norris is a shot that includes a 1 million Scoville heat unit hot sauce. Water and cream are on standby.

One of their more popular drinks, The Speed Racer, is a creation of Al-Amoudi’s. It is essentially a vodka Red Bull, but it’s the two straws and ensuing race to finish it what Al-Amoudi claims has created several relationships and possibly a few babies.

The Max holds weekly scheduled events including Wednesday night team trivia and Sunday brunch bingo. Al-Amoudi hosts the bingo, luring in players with first-come, first-serve Hurts Donuts and the possibility of winning nostalgia prizes like a Gameboy Color. This month, The Max will host their annual Halloween party and in November, they will host a “pinball palooza” with special pinball machines.

It’s the perfect spot reminisce while simultaneously creating new memories. 

The Max Retropub
114 S. Elgin Ave.
4 p.m.–2 a.m., Mon.–Sun.

(This article was originally published in the October 2017 A Issue of The Tulsa Voice.)

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