Resources to Assist the Oklahoma Service Industry During COVID-19

As we all know, this situation is developing quickly and there is a lot of misinformation and anxiety surrounding the health and economic impacts of COVID-19. Most significantly for Tulsa, the executive order in which Mayor GT Bynum declared a civil emergency, leading to the immediate closure of bars. This order also required restaurants, coffee houses, and more to close by 11:59 p.m. on March 17. (Full list of closures here.)

For accurate information on COVID-19, please refer to the CDC’s official page. John Hopkins also has an excellent dashboard if you’re into tracking cases, recoveries, and such. The state of Oklahoma has also set up a resource page with links to unemployment aid, small business aid, etc..

This list is mostly geared towards resources for those in the service industry. If you are a patron, now is a great time to write a review on Google for your favorite establishment, and mention the names of any employees that have shown you hospitality.

Other sections include resources like podcasts and books–now is a great time to brush up on skills. Barsmarts is offering free registration to the unemployed for their online courses through April 30th with code TRYBARSMARTS.

PS – If you find this info useful, please add ONE song to this Spotify playlist for me. 🙂 I’m needing some new music while I adjust to exclusively working remotely for a bit.

This post contains the following resources.

(Click the title to jump to that section.)

  • Local Charitable Causes – These are GoFundMe pages and virtual tip jars, organized by establishment.
  • Acts of Kindness – These are businesses offering various forms of support.
  • Large-Scale Assistance Programs – These links will direct you towards applications for support from the USBG, CORE, etc..
  • Individuals Offering Goods and Services – Every little bit helps. These are people in the community have launched side hustles.
  • Employment Opportunities – These are job boards. Default search location is set to Tulsa for some, but can be changed.
  • Podcasts – It’s a great opportunity to learn something new. I’ve suggested shows and some specific episodes.
  • Books – Netflix will get old after awhile. Some of the books are related to cocktails or hospitality, while others are on Stoicism or creativity.

I will not be listing links to any personal GoFundMe campaigns, Venmo accounts, etc.. Please, send any additional ideas my way via the comments section, email, or text.

If you’re looking for a simple resource to share on social media to inform patrons of general ways to help, I recommend this article that Clair McLafferty wrote for Adweek. (I’ve featured Clair’s book, Romantic Cocktails in a previous review.)

I will continually update this post as new information is made available, and you’ll see the “last updated” date noted at the beginning of the post.

Service Industry Resources

This is a list that includes things like fundraisers, discounted/free meals, as well as podcasts and books to keep you occupied. At this point, many local establishments have created efforts dedicated towards helping their staff. Large-scale efforts conducted through the USBG can be found further down the list as well.

Another important step is to reach our to local government officials to address the long-term impacts. Well-known bar owner, Bobby Heugel, has created this template letter. You can read more about it on this Imbibe article.

Local Charitable Causes

Below are various GoFundMe pages and digital tip jars.

  • Amelia’s – Amelia and Kevin have provided Tulsa with a gem of an establishment. A GoFundMe campaign has been established to assist hourly and tipped employees, with a goal of $15,000. Funds will be dispersed through AMBR Dining Group concepts, which includes both Amelia’s Woodfired Cuisine and Amelia’s Market & Brasserie. Any money that remains after their doors can reopen will be distributed to industry-support charities. Donate here.
  • Bar 473 – A virtual tip jar has been set up by 473’s Chief Libations Officer, Nash Thames. For every $10 you donate, you’ll receive an “IOU” for ANY draft beer and shot combo once they reopen. Send tips to @Nash-Thames on Venmo.
  • Bohemian Woodfire Pizza – My favorite local pizza spot. I can devour an entire Isle of Capri on my own. They’ve set up a GoFundMe campaign to distribute evenly between the 35 staff members who are not currently working. Donate here.
  • Hodges Bend – My favorite local cocktail spot has launched their “Make Hodges Great Again” campaign. General Manager, Logan Sweetwood has organized this campaign which supports both the front and back of house staff. The full list of individual recipients can be found on the GoFundMe page. To notify Logan of any temporary work that may be available to pass along to the staff, send him an email. Donate here.
  • Justin Thompson Restaurant Group – JTR Group has launched a GoFundMe campaign to assist hourly and tipped employees who were employed at Juniper and Prhyme, Donate here.
  • Lowood – General Manager, T.C. LeRoy has launched a GoFundMe campaign for Lowood’s staff. LeRoy explains the impact of the situation well, “The reality is that unemployment will only pay them a fraction of what they were earning working at Lowood and finding comparable work is literally impossible.” I can’t wait to see see them re-open so I can go in and order a bottle of wine and that roasted hen of the woods mushroom. Donate here.
  • Mad Dog (Kenneth) – Any Tulsa-area regular knows Kenneth from his late night rounds asking anyone and everyone to “buy tha lady a rose?” He’s a solid guy with a genuine heart, and is unable to sell any roses since the bars are shut down. Donate here.
  • The Max Retropub – Tulsa’s favorite retro arcade has created a virtual tip jar for their non-ownership staff. You can also head to their website to by merchandise and gift cards. For leads on temporary work for their staff, send Majdaa an email. Click here to tip.
  • Mercury Lounge – Offering a virtual tip jar while the bands are playing on their live stream. The bar is closed, but you can watch the live stream while you practice social distancing. 100% of funds go to the artists. Click here to tip.
  • MixCo – General manager, Hank Hanewinkel III has set up this GoFundMe to raise $10,000 to help support their staff. The full list of individual recipients can be found on the page. To notify Hank of any temporary work that may be available to pass along to the staff, send him an message. Donate here.
  • Palace Cafe – Owner James Shrader has organized this effort to raise $25,000 via GoFundMe for their staff of 45-50 people. Restaurants included are Palace Cafe, Prairie Fire Pie, and Kitchen 27. This will give each of them $550. Donate here.
  • 3 Sirens Restaurant Group – The team behind Bird & Bottle, Celebrity Club, and The Bramble Breakfast and Bar have launched “Feed Those Who Feed You“. However, their GoFundMe campaign is to benefit all of those affected in the Tulsa service industry. Once the $5,000 goal is reached, funds will be distributed in the form of $30 grocery gift cards. [3/18 Update: The goal is exceeded, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t support the team. Funds will still be distributed the same way.] Donate here.
  • The Starlite Bar – Starlite has created a virtual tip jar for their bartenders. They also plan on streaming some live events too, so check their Facebook page for more info on that. Tip here.
  • Soundpony – I think it’s fair to call Soundpony one of Tulsa’s original dive bars. It’s certainly one of my favorites. Their virtual tip jar will be split among the bartenders. Click here to tip.
  • Valkyrie and St. Vitus – Valkyrie and St. Vitus are two of Tulsa’s favorites. In the absence of these two establishments, the Tulsa scene is going to be different while. That said, the team got very creative with their approach to fundraising. If you visit their site you can purchase a pre-sale ticket to a mystery spirit tasting or a rave brunch. There are also various raffles they are offering. Skipping the line at St. Vitus and a private event bartender have already sold out, but they are adding new raffles regularly. Head here for details.
  • Vintage Wine Bar – I’ve been a going to Vintage for around a decade. Vintage has created a virtual tip jar to benefit non-ownership staff. You can also purchase gift cards here. For leads on temporary work for their staff, send an email. Click here to tip. If you prefer CashApp or Venmo, owner, Matt Sanders, will distribute money donated through his account. Donate via CashApp. Donate via Venmo.
  • The Whittier Bar – This is a virtual tip jar to benefit non-ownership staff. Click here to tip.
  • Yokozuna – If you’ve ever appreciated any sake or Sapporo at Yokozuna downtown, be sure to send a tip towards their team on their GoFundMe page. Donate here.

Acts of Kindness

Whether it’s a free or discount meal or groceries, these businesses and organizations are stepping up and leading by example.

  • Chimera – Offering complimentary “shift meals” for service industry. All tips are distributed evenly between the staff. 918-779-4303
  • Food for the Screw’d – Vintage Wine Bar’s chef, Colin Sato put together this ambitious program to feed up to 100 people a day, based on a pay-what-you-can basis. You can sign up for delivery using this form. If you’re in the service industry or suffering economic hardship, they’ll provide this for free. For those who are able, you can donate or tip to the effort via Vintage’s virtual tip jar. Donate here. Order here.
  • Food on the Move with Tulsa Dream Center – Friday, March 20th from 8a – 12p, the Dream Center will be giving out boxes of non-perishable groceries to anyone who is need. This is a simple drive through giveaway, and all are welcome. Details can be found on Facebook.
  • Jane’s Delicatessen – 30% discount for service industry. 918-872-0501
  • Oklahoma Grocery Network – This volunteer team is organized via their Facebook group. While they don’t pay for the cost of groceries, they do offer free grocery delivery for the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. See the Facebook group for more info.
  • Sanitizers to Support Service Workers – Alcohol also doubles as disinfectant, and OK Distilling Co. has started a GoFundMe campaign to re-purpose part of their production line to create sanitizers for local restaurants that are offering curbside service. Santizer will be distributed at no cost.
  • Barsmarts – Free registration for their online courses offered to anyone unemployed. Offer valid through April 30th with code TRYBARSMARTS.
  • A Bar Above – Hosts of the Mixology Talk Podcast, Chris and Julia Tunstall, are offering discounts on their mixology certification courses during this time. You can apply for one of the 100 free course they are giving away or enroll for $25 using code KEEPLEARNING. More info here.

Let’s not forget that there are other local businesses outside of the food and beverage space. Here is an excellent roundup article that Tulsa People published which lists local businesses that you can support. Many of these businesses have temporarily adapted their model to support current restrictions.

How to support Tulsa businesses, nonprofits during COVID-19

Application-Based Assistance Programs

  • Tulsa Restaurant Employee Relief Fund – This application-based fund is for Tulsa residents whose sole source of income is food and beverage, AND have one or more dependents. Money will be awarded in the form of $1,000 grants. Apply here.
  • Apply for the U.S. Bartender’s Guild Emergency Assistance Program 
  • Donate to the U.S. Bartender’s Guild Emergency Assistance Program 
  • CORE – Children of Restaurant Employees is a national non profit organization that grants support to families with children who work in the food and beverage service industry and are experiencing crises or catastrophes. Apply here. Donate here.
  • Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation

Individuals Offering Goods and Services

This section is all about skills, services, side hustles, etc.. If you are an individual in the service industry looking for new income streams, comment or contact me, and I’ll post here.

Please include any relevant contact info or website for yourself, as well as former place of employment so regulars can support based on establishment.

  • Get Baked – Local online and delivery bakery operated by Mylo Thomson (Fur Shop) is offering free bread or baked goods to anyone affected. Contact via Facebook.
  • Janifa – Any Cellar Dweller regular knows Janifa. She’s using her pastry chef background to bake breads, muffins, frozen doughs, etc.. Donations are appreciated, but baked goods are free to anyone in need. Contact her via email or Instagram message.
  • Jennie Lloyd, manager of Duet is getting back into some freelance writing. She’s doing donation-based commission pieces like poems, family stories, and love letters. Contact her through Instagram.
  • Tulsa Food Ease – Ella from Boston Title & Abstract runs a meal prep business and is offering a 4 meals for $20 deal. Connect via Instagram.
  • Caleb Smith of Hodges Bend is offering commissioned portraits and stickers. View his previous work and contact him through his website.
  • Andrew Saliga (that’s me) – If anyone needs professional head shots to update their LinkedIn profile or anything like that, please contact me.

Employment Opportunities

FastCompany posted an article that lists large companies that are hiring. The lists below consolidates those employers.

Find Tulsa Jobs

Some of these links direct to Tulsa-specific search results, but you can refine the search to a different city if needed.

Find Remote Jobs


Many of us will be in our homes for awhile. Here are some podcasts worth checking out.

If podcasts aren’t your thing…Tower Theater in OKC is using the venue at Ponyboy to live stream shows. You can help support the efforts by purchasing a shirt, or sponsoring. Contact Stephen via email.

Bartender Journey 

I really enjoy this podcast, and when I feel like I don’t listen to enough episodes, I remember that Brian Weber only releases about one episode a month. The topics discussed would interest anyone with an appreciation for craft cocktails, particularly working bartenders. From how to deal with fruit flies in the bar to the shapes of glassware, topics are wide-ranging. Episodes are generally under 30 minutes. 

How to Money 

I’m a newer listener to this podcast, but I think it’s important because it addresses a common blindspot–finances and money management. It’s a casual, yet informative conversation between two friends, Matt and Joel. They discuss things like the cost of brand loyalty, how to choose a hobby from a financial perspective, how to find cheap flights and more. I’ve listened to a few episodes and appreciated them. I’m curious about what you think. 

Life Behind Bars 

An excellent listen for cocktail enthusiasts. The production value is not high, but it doesn’t matter when it’s David Wondrich and Noah Rothbaum discussing cocktails. The style is very casual as if you were sharing a drink with the two at a bar. Episodes are released intermittently and average about 30 minutes in length. 

Recommended Episodes

The Mixology Talk Podcast 

A good podcast discussing topics and challenges encountered by those working as bartenders are hard to come by. Chris and Julia Tunstall are the husband and wife team that hosts this podcast which covers a broad range of industry topics including dealing with negative coworkers, menu pricing, and recipe creation. The Tunstalls bounce between sharing their own insights in some episodes, or interviewing guests. Episodes are released twice a month and range 20-40 minutes long. 


Proof is a newer podcast produced by America’s Test Kitchen. The podcast isn’t about recipes, but it’s an exploration of topics like “Can You Get Drunk Off Kombucha?”, “Is Cereal Soup?”, and “Natural vs. Artificial Flavors.” New episodes are released weekly and they range from under 10 minutes to 45 minutes in duration. I dig it. 

The Side Hustle Show 

A fascinating look at “side hustles”, many of them outlandish or less than glamorous. Episodes cover the extremely broad range of anything under the side hustle umbrella, including software development, Amazon FBA, affiliate marketing, and more. Host, Nick Loper, interviews guests to dive into their particular paths to success. Episodes average about 45 minutes long and are released weekly. 


A good book and a cocktail can always keep you company. Here are a few suggestions.

I will continually update this post as new information is made available, and you’ll see the “last updated” date noted at the beginning of the post. Please comment with any additional info I may have missed.

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