Tag: Tulsa cocktails

Rhum Martinez(ish)

We continue an exploration of rhum, this time with a twist on the classic Martinez. For starters, we swap the gin for rhum, then rebuild the cocktail’s framework around the new base spirit.

Ti’ Punch

Ti’ Punch

Post from RICOH THETA. – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA Perhaps it’s just my perception, but I feel that rum suffers from a lack of respect that is rivaled only by vodka. I’m not saying that it’s in any way accurate, just that they seem…

Normandy to New Orleans – In 360°!

Normandy to New Orleans – In 360°!

Post from RICOH THETA. #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA One recurring theme for The Humble Garnish is that food and drink is an experience best paired with social connection. Whether it’s between friends or the guest/customer relationship, it’s the connection that differentiates experiences.…

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