Tag: summer

Gin and Tonic

Gin and Tonic

The iconic gin and tonic. I hope you don’t need a recipe to make this, but I can give you some simple guidance to make sure your G & T is the best it can be. Chill everything so that it’s very cold, and use…

Chartreuse Swizzle

Chartreuse Swizzle

I’d say that the Chartreuse Swizzle is the king of all Chartreuse cocktails, but then I recall the Last Word.

The Ultimate Tonic Syrup Review (19 Syrups Reviewed)

The Ultimate Tonic Syrup Review (19 Syrups Reviewed)

I had a $320.15 gin and tonic last week – technically speaking. For home cocktail enthusiasts looking to improve their standard gin and tonics, these tonic syrups provide a simple solution that also allows a level of customization. I reviewed a total of 19 tonic…

Two Somms, 10 Cans (Blind Tasting)

Two Somms, 10 Cans (Blind Tasting)

It’s easy to conjure the mental image of the pretentious wine snob feverishly swirling the glass, then taking a sip with an outstretched pinky.Most of us don’t fall into that category, but we might snub our noses at the concept of canned wine. It’s as…

No Horse In The Race – The Unexpected Roots of the Mint Julep

No Horse In The Race – The Unexpected Roots of the Mint Julep

It’s an engulfing sensory experience—everything from the mound of crushed ice nestled in the frosted cup to the straw peeking through the hefty plume of fresh mint and delivering the sweet, chilled bourbon.The mint julep’s claim to fame may be the Kentucky Derby, but this…

Tonic Syrup – Using Cinchona Bark to Make a Quinine Syrup for Gin and Tonics

Tonic Syrup – Using Cinchona Bark to Make a Quinine Syrup for Gin and Tonics

Here is a recipe for homemade tonic syrup that’s perfect for making a gin and tonic. Aside from the cinchona, water, sugar, citric acid, and salt, feel free to modify this recipe to suit your tastes. This recipe provides the classic

Añejo Smash

Añejo Smash

This añejo smash is the perfect way to graduate from the overdone margarita. There are a number of great tequila drinks out there, and this one will satisfy both the cocktail enthusiast and those who just want a refreshing summer drink.