Tag: Rye

The Clint Eastwood

The Clint Eastwood

This recipe dates back to 2009, when Mike Ryan of The Violet Hour devised this simple, yet delicious formula.  The recipe is very straightforward, in fact, Robert Simonson states in his book, The Old-Fashioned, that bartenders were making a similar version of this as far…

Chambord Manhattan

Chambord Manhattan

This is a slightly sweeter riff on the classic 2:1 Manhattan. The addition of the French black raspberry liqueur, Chambord, adds a jammy, dark berry flavor.

3 Simple Wine Cocktails to Make with Leftover Thanksgiving Wine

3 Simple Wine Cocktails to Make with Leftover Thanksgiving Wine

Thanksgiving is generally a time shared with family and friends over food and drink. The food certainly takes the spotlight, and wine is the de-facto alcohol of choice. Sherry is one of the more popular wines found in cocktails, and let’s not forget vermouth, a…



  [divider type=”double-dotted” color=”gray”] Additional Resources: Peychaud’s Bitters – While need for Angostura bitters may be debatable in the Sazerac, the need for Peychaud’s is not. Amber Glass Atomizers (2 Ounce) –  Perfect for misting the interior of a glass with a spirit for recipes…

Cherry Bounce – A Simple Colonial-Era Liqueur

Cherry Bounce – A Simple Colonial-Era Liqueur

In addition to experiencing the flavor and aroma of a cocktail, appreciation comes from knowledge of its history. However, our tendency is only to study modern history and investigate the birth of the cocktail rather than the historical context of drinking culture which predates it.…

Normandy to New Orleans – In 360°!

Normandy to New Orleans – In 360°!

Post from RICOH THETA. #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA One recurring theme for The Humble Garnish is that food and drink is an experience best paired with social connection. Whether it’s between friends or the guest/customer relationship, it’s the connection that differentiates experiences.…