Tag: Root Beer

QC Malt – A Different Approach to Hard Soda

QC Malt – A Different Approach to Hard Soda

The only market that comes to mind as being more saturated than hard soda is the small batch bitters market. Why anyone would get into either this late in the game is somewhat of a mystery, but, if I’m being honest, I’m always going to…

Top Shelf ROOT Beer Float

Top Shelf ROOT Beer Float

Three, plus seven, plus thirteen, equals twenty-three. Maine Root Beer, Talenti Tahitian Vanilla Bean Gelato, and Art in the Age ROOT all come together in this premium root beer float for a total of only twenty-three ingredients.

Art in the Age – ROOT

Art in the Age – ROOT

Steven Grasse of Art in the Age gets it. If you’ve never heard of him or Art in the Age, familiarize yourself. Art in the Age currently creates four spirits, and I’ve never found spirits so pure and flavorful. To call them liqueurs is a…