Tag: original

Tonic Syrup – Using Cinchona Bark to Make a Quinine Syrup for Gin and Tonics

Tonic Syrup – Using Cinchona Bark to Make a Quinine Syrup for Gin and Tonics

Here is a recipe for homemade tonic syrup that’s perfect for making a gin and tonic. Aside from the cinchona, water, sugar, citric acid, and salt, feel free to modify this recipe to suit your tastes. This recipe provides the classic

The Lucent Endeavor

The Lucent Endeavor

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably noticed that I’ve been playing around with Barsmith Shandy lately. This recipe is a follow-up post to my original review of the product. While its primary function is to add to a beer to make a shandy,…