Tag: Gin

Fernet Chocolate Espresso Crinkle Cookies

Fernet Chocolate Espresso Crinkle Cookies

Fernet is one of those things that you either love or you hate. If you’re reading this post, you’re likely the former. Of all the amari, Fernet Branca is the most iconic and it’s the flagship ingredient in these fernet chocolate espresso crinkle cookies.

3 Simple Wine Cocktails to Make with Leftover Thanksgiving Wine

3 Simple Wine Cocktails to Make with Leftover Thanksgiving Wine

Thanksgiving is generally a time shared with family and friends over food and drink. The food certainly takes the spotlight, and wine is the de-facto alcohol of choice. Sherry is one of the more popular wines found in cocktails, and let’s not forget vermouth, a…

Chareau – A Review of the Aloe Liqueur with Recipe

Chareau – A Review of the Aloe Liqueur with Recipe

While it was the small, well-designed bottle and label that initially caught my attention, it was the ingredient list that led me to the purchase. It doesn’t get much simpler than aloe vera, cucumber, eau de vie, lemon peel, muskmelon, spearmint, sugar, and water.

Tonic Syrup – Using Cinchona Bark to Make a Quinine Syrup for Gin and Tonics

Tonic Syrup – Using Cinchona Bark to Make a Quinine Syrup for Gin and Tonics

Here is a recipe for homemade tonic syrup that’s perfect for making a gin and tonic. Aside from the cinchona, water, sugar, citric acid, and salt, feel free to modify this recipe to suit your tastes. This recipe provides the classic

Obituary – Elevate the Classic Martini with a Bit of Absinthe

Obituary – Elevate the Classic Martini with a Bit of Absinthe

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Simple Cacao Nib-Infused Campari, a Bottled Negroni, and 3 Negroni Riffs

Simple Cacao Nib-Infused Campari, a Bottled Negroni, and 3 Negroni Riffs

Negroni Week – one of my favorite weeks of the year. Not only do I get to partake in the forever-classic negroni, but to participate in supporting charity. However, this year is a bit different from prior years. Participating venues select a charity from the…