Tag: gin and tonic

Gin and Tonic

Gin and Tonic

The iconic gin and tonic. I hope you don’t need a recipe to make this, but I can give you some simple guidance to make sure your G & T is the best it can be. Chill everything so that it’s very cold, and use…

The Ultimate Tonic Syrup Review (19 Syrups Reviewed)

The Ultimate Tonic Syrup Review (19 Syrups Reviewed)

I had a $320.15 gin and tonic last week – technically speaking. For home cocktail enthusiasts looking to improve their standard gin and tonics, these tonic syrups provide a simple solution that also allows a level of customization. I reviewed a total of 19 tonic…

Tonic Syrup – Using Cinchona Bark to Make a Quinine Syrup for Gin and Tonics

Tonic Syrup – Using Cinchona Bark to Make a Quinine Syrup for Gin and Tonics

Here is a recipe for homemade tonic syrup that’s perfect for making a gin and tonic. Aside from the cinchona, water, sugar, citric acid, and salt, feel free to modify this recipe to suit your tastes. This recipe provides the classic

Quintessential Quinine – Refreshing Takes on the Gin and Tonic

Quintessential Quinine – Refreshing Takes on the Gin and Tonic

Rum and coke. Vodka cranberry. Whiskey soda with lime. Drinks named for their ingredients are the epitome of simple, but none are as refreshing as the gin and tonic, which current summer heat makes mandatory. But don’t let the simplicity of the recipe convince you…