Tag: float

The Bishop – A Red Wine and Cuban Rum Cocktail

The Bishop – A Red Wine and Cuban Rum Cocktail

There are many recipes for the Bishop (featured article photo). The simplest modern recipe I found is more akin to a sangria.

3 Simple Wine Cocktails to Make with Leftover Thanksgiving Wine

3 Simple Wine Cocktails to Make with Leftover Thanksgiving Wine

Thanksgiving is generally a time shared with family and friends over food and drink. The food certainly takes the spotlight, and wine is the de-facto alcohol of choice. Sherry is one of the more popular wines found in cocktails, and let’s not forget vermouth, a…

Top Shelf ROOT Beer Float

Top Shelf ROOT Beer Float

Three, plus seven, plus thirteen, equals twenty-three. Maine Root Beer, Talenti Tahitian Vanilla Bean Gelato, and Art in the Age ROOT all come together in this premium root beer float for a total of only twenty-three ingredients.