Tag: Corpse Reviver #2

Top 10 Absinthe Cocktails for National Absinthe Day

There is perhaps no spirit as shroud in mystery and misinformation as absinthe.  Fernet Branca and Malört may be known among the cocktail community for their bold flavors, but absinthe, equally as assertive, enjoys a greater familiarity in the general population.

Corpse Reviver #2

Corpse Reviver #2

Corpse Reviver #2 Recipe   [divider type=”double-dotted” color=”gray”] Additional Resources: Knife pictured courtesy of MS Knives. Death & Co. – Modern Classic Cocktails Lucid Absinthe

3 Exceptional Halloween Cocktails That Aren’t Cheesy

3 Exceptional Halloween Cocktails That Aren’t Cheesy

For the cocktail enthusiast, Halloween can be a tricky holiday. There is no shortage of cocktails and punches with over the top garnishes and sugary, colorful concoctions that people are hell-bent on shooting. Luckily, there are several options that don’t require the enthusiast to sell…