Suffering Bastard
According to cocktail writer, Paul Clarke, the origin of the Suffering Bastard dates back to the 1940s at the Long Bar in the Shepheard Hotel in Cairo.
According to cocktail writer, Paul Clarke, the origin of the Suffering Bastard dates back to the 1940s at the Long Bar in the Shepheard Hotel in Cairo.
Often, the simplest cocktails are the most enduring. I think the Bee’s Knees is particularly good with a more herbal gin. I love making it with Letherbee’s 2017 Autumnal Gin. If you’re not familiar with their releases, Letherbee creates two limited seasonal gins per year.…
I love a good old fashioned riff. The template couldn’t be simpler, and I find it’s a great way to explore flavor combinations. First, select an interesting spirit, and then try the cocktail using different bitters. This riff by Erick Castro (Bartender at Large) may…
If you’re new to cachaça and looking for the essential cocktails to drink while exploring this Brazilian spirit, look no further. These recipes should cover all your cocktail bases: both classic and modern recipes that range from citrusy, to sweet, and, of course, boozy and…
I’m not sure if it’s the local scene in Tulsa or a larger trend, but champagnes and sparkling wines seem to have risen in popularity over the past years. Perhaps some credit can be given to the Chambong, but I think there are a few…
The food you’ve prepared is not quite ready, but at least all six of your guests have a drink in hand. The first round included two old fashioneds (one with rye and the other with bourbon), two beers, something “light and fruity” and a daiquiri—not…
Chartreuse is a liqueur that has stood the test of time since 1605. That’s far longer than any cocktail fad. In an era of rapid content creation and expedited consumption, it’s worth noting the things that endure. Whether they are liqueurs and spirits or books…