

Italian in Rio

Italian in Rio

This cachaça cocktail almost reminds me of an El Presidente (white rum, blanc vermouth, curaçao, and grenadine) just more complex and with a balanced bitterness. However, upon further consideration, this is clearly a negroni riff, and an excellent one at that! This recipe is also…

Casamara Club’s Amaro Club Soda – Quick Review

Casamara Club’s Amaro Club Soda – Quick Review

Finding zero-proof drink options is a challenge. Too often, you’re left choosing between an imitation alcohol product or a sugary alternative that leaves you feeling like a small child slurping up a Shirley Temple. That’s why I was thrilled to discover Casamara Club.

Tangled Up In Blue – Black Trumpet Blueberry Cordial Meets Charanda

Tangled Up In Blue – Black Trumpet Blueberry Cordial Meets Charanda

It’s been four years since I first reviewed Tamworth Distilling’s Black Trumpet Blueberry Cordial, and their spirits lineup has matured substantially since. You’ll now find over 40 bottled products, all organized into themed collections. The Art In The Age lineup is their first collection that…

Disco Ball – A Chartreuse and Mezcal Shot

Disco Ball – A Chartreuse and Mezcal Shot

This Chartreuse recipe by Ford Roberts is a surprisingly delicious combination. You’ll definitely want to stir this one well to chill and dilute the shot, otherwise it’ll come off very syrupy with all the Chartreuse. That said, it’s still on the sweeter side. I have…

Ti’ Punch

Ti’ Punch

There is a certain appeal to the simple cocktails that don’t require precise measuring, advanced techniques, or a long list of ingredients. The Ti’ Punch is the perfect solution to the end of a long day, when you’re not looking to fuss with much. It’s…

Kräuter Sauer

Kräuter Sauer

While most Underberg cocktails are all on board the bitter bandwagon, The Kräuter Sauer opts for balance. This vermouth-based cocktail is an exceptional use for a bottle of Underberg, which adds the perfect amount of herbal and bitter notes to what would otherwise be a…

Tierra del Fuego

Tierra del Fuego

I created this original cocktail recipe back in 2016 for Negroni Week. That was likely the first time I encountered Ancho Reyes Liqueur, and it quickly became a must-have for my home bar. This recipe recently received a lot of attention when it was featured…